Nisha Kothari also known as Amoga, is a new Indian Bollywood actress and model. She also has a major in Chemistry from Delhi University She has starred in so far three movies, The Killer, with Emraan Hashmi, James, with Mohit Ahlawat, and Shiva. She is considered to be one of the upcoming stars in the film industry by famous Bollywood director Ram Gopal Varma.
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Nisha Kothari - Bollywood Actress-the new basanti
Nisha Kothari also known as Amoga, is a new Indian Bollywood actress and model. She also has a major in Chemistry from Delhi University She has starred in so far three movies, The Killer, with Emraan Hashmi, James, with Mohit Ahlawat, and Shiva. She is considered to be one of the upcoming stars in the film industry by famous Bollywood director Ram Gopal Varma.