She starred in a video with Shahrukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, and John Abraham as a kick start for the BLUE BILLION campaign that invited cricket fans all over the world to cheer for India. Her latest tour, the Rockstars Concert in which she performed alongside Salman Khan, Zayed Khan, John Abraham, Shahid Kapoor, Esha Deol and Mallika Sherawat turned out to be a huge success overseas.
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Kareena Kapoor - Bollywood Hot Actress
She starred in a video with Shahrukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, and John Abraham as a kick start for the BLUE BILLION campaign that invited cricket fans all over the world to cheer for India. Her latest tour, the Rockstars Concert in which she performed alongside Salman Khan, Zayed Khan, John Abraham, Shahid Kapoor, Esha Deol and Mallika Sherawat turned out to be a huge success overseas.